Extra Easy Using syns


Not sure if this is the right place to post so sorry if it's not. Anyway.... Was having a read of some of the threads nd notice some people mention saving syns then having lots in one day?? So does that mean we actually have 105 syns a week nd can use as many as we want in one day as long as the weeks total is under 105?? I always thought it was 15 a day max nd that was it unless flexible syns? Got myself all confused lol!!!! Hope someone can set me straight X
Officially SW advocate 15syns a day and flexible syns to discourage people from binging. However alot of people have been doing SW since before they changed it over, and I suppose if it's something they've always done and still lost weight then alot of consultants would say there is no harm in it-it's similar to the couscous cake and lasagne crisp debates :)
Hi Loz,

Not sure what other people/members do but my consultant says that's fine to do. I also save a lot of mine and use it on a bottle of wine or takeaway. I normally have 2-5 a day and save the rest. Hope this helps x
The guidelines state between 5-15 a day but if you really want something and know you're going to go over your daily allowance in syns one particular day then surely its better to make allowances for it in your over-all weekly syns?
I have heard that some people who have had their syns all in one go as opposed to spread out over the week have experienced slower losses or weight loss stopping altogether - however this isn't something i've had a problem with.
If it works for you and it makes losing weight and getting through the week easier, then i'd say its all good. xx