Going on holiday - what shall i do??



I've been sole sourcing for two months now and have followed it word for word. I go on holiday in two weeks time for a week - by that time I estimate that I will have about 6 pounds left to loose - yipee!!

However I am not sure what to do - I really want to enjoy my holiday and not have to restrict myself, but at the same time don't want to mess up all my hard work.

My Councilor said that I could just eat whatever I liked and then go back onto sole source when I came back.......

Having read the booklet that comes with the diet, it seems to suggest that this isn't a good idea, but doesn't explain why other than to say you will retain water (which surely is superficial???)

Shall I do as my councilor said and eat what I like and then go back to sole source.

Shall I go onto step 2 or 3 with the occasional high protien treat (if there is such a thing - I'm a carb girl!!!)

Or shall I stick to 3 shakes a day and just have an evening meal of just protien and veg??

Don't know what to do for the best or what the pros/cons are....

Any help much appreciated!! Thanks for your time

Certainly don't eat what you like as that is an open invitation to binge.

My recommendation is to go into stabilisation now before you go, make sure you are up on 1200 or 1500 before you leave if you intend on eating "normally" while you are away.

When away then certainly enjoy yourself but make healthy choices when you can and try and control the carb intake.

When you get back then take stock of your weight and if you have enough to lose then go on say 790 to trim but if you are still within a few pounds of goal weight then just do 1200 to trim the last few pounds.

Don't SS right up to leaving and then go mad on food otherwise it all goes very wrong.
