Green Days Does this sound about right?


Gonna try a green day today (1st time)

Breakfast: Banana 2 weetabix and milk
Lunch: Baked potato & beans
Snack: Orange melon pineapple mullerlight
Dinner: Pasta bacon peas and quark

Is this right?
bacon isnt free on a green day so i assume you are syning it as you dont have any syns !!
I would try and add in some more superfree with meals , maybe some mushrooms or salad with lunch and some extra super free veg in the pasta ?
I was gonna use the bacon as my second HEB??

I thought there were no superfree foods on green just all free foods???
You don't need to eat 1/3 superfree on Green but there are still superfree foods. You can have free or superfree, whatever you like.

Superfree are just lower in calorie content than free foods but still available on all plans.

The bacon can be your 2nd HExB so that's fine as long as it's weighed and the fat removed. Menu looks fine but you still have your 2nd HExA if you want it and some syns.