

After putting on 2.5lbs this week I feel totally disgusted with myself! Why is the bandwagon so easy for me 2fall off!! I was actually a bit embarrassed wen my c was reading out all the great losses and told me that I need to make sensible choices, I know I have to! Anyways 2moro is another day and I am determined this week to hav a loss of some sort my weight just seems to go up and down, more ups than downs recently, but no more I need to loss this tyre before summer and I will with a nudge in the right direction :)

K xx
hey hun..try not to feel too bad just put it down to a bad wk and start again :) u shouldnt feel embarrassed either your not the first person to have a slip up.and your not giving up!! just keep picturing yourself how u want to look and how great you'll feel when u get there.that always keeps me going x x x