New start

Hi everyone. I orginally started exante after Christmas but due to some personal problems I was unable to continue. I feel now is the time to give it a go again so I'm going to start tomorrow. I think I need some motivation to get started again so could I ask how much u guys lost on ur first week? This should give me the kick up the bum I need I hope!!! :) xx
Hi,I've been a lurker on the boards for a while,did the diet before Christmas and lost a stone,but put it back on over Christmas as u do!! So it's my first day back on it tomoro,im excited to get back to it,and reading all these inspirational stories is really helping me get motivated!! Good luck Hun,maybe we could be diet buddies,I've got about 2 stone to shift x
Good luck, you can do it
I'm exactly the same with 2 stone 2 lose so yes it would b good 2 have a buddy 2 check in with( it may keep me on the straight & narrow)!! The trouble with me is I'm just so impatient....I want it all gone yesterday so if I have a good first week it changes my mindset & makes me detirmined! X