What a bad mummy


Goodbye Tum
Hi again,

I've just realised that my little boy's sweet basket hasn't had to be replenished for ages and ages, oops, used to fill it few times a week and think he was eating far too much but it appears it was me eating all his sweets and stuff.

Oh well, bad mummy turned good and I can rest easy in the knowledge my little man only has a couple of treats a week, usually marks and spencers pigs and I wonder why I looked like one ha ha
Am with you there Hun.... We still have chocies left over from Xmas lol. I just don't buy any now it's other people who seem to give him. I wish I could swap over to a healthier pudding for him. All he wants is his chocolate cake not yoghurt or fruit....
I'm lucky (although my DD1 isn't). DD1 has multiple food and milk allergies so she can't have any of the good stuff. She lives off fruit and veg so at least when I finish on Exante and start to eat again, I'll have healthy choices and not chocolate and crisps!!!!
jacob loves jelly sweets like wine gums and stuff, he doesn't like sugar coated stuff, he would live off crisps but he's really fussy with fruit and veg, he'll snap out of it when luke starts weaning I think, he'll want what he's having x