How to deal with a function?


Hi All

I am currently on day three (really struggling today!!) but am determined to do it!

However, my hubby has a function that we have to attend next weekend, and I am doing TS, any ideas how to deal with this? Alcohol isnt a problem, am quite happy to be designated driver, however, how do I deal with the food - its a formal sit down meal, so will have to eat something! Do I have my three sachets first, and eat only a little, or how much damage can I do in one night? If I am back on track the following morning, will I still get back into Ketosis? Do want to enjoy my night (dont have them often) but dont want to do too much damage!

I had a similar thing not long after I started, I ended up having some carbs before the meal (to knock me out of ketosis) so I could drink then had my dinner, and got straight back onto my packs the next day. I had no packs the day I was eating and got back into ketosis within a few days. Oh and I also had a loss that week too :)
stick with the protein, avoid carbs, have something like chicken salad, don't be afraid to ask for extra veg instead of potato or chips etc x