Signs of BDD?


World Class Oddball
Right, serious topic. Does anyone here suffer with or think they may have BDD?

I'm pretty sure that I do. While I know I'm overweight and need to do something about it. I also hate everything else about my looks.

I think I need my boobs done, lipo and tummy tuck (when lost weight) but I also want my nose done, my teeth, botox, lips, eyes. something doing to make my skin nicer. Hair is not ever good enough, although it may be the only thing I like about myself, it's still not "right"

I always, always, always want to look like someone other than myself. When I venture out, I need to have make-up on. There are times mum will have to sit around waiting for me to put my face on and all we're doing is popping to the shop to get some food in or something.

I always fear bumping into someone who knows me in case they judge how I'm looking. I feel total strangers are looking at me with disgust.

Is anyone else like this or similar? Have you felt like it in the past, if so how did you over come it? What steps or help did you take to deal with having such a sense of self loathing?

Any one else who may feel like this, vent your feelings if you feel comfortable doing so.

Just wanting to work out how common it is.