Why you should do this.....


Full Member
So I know some are struggling and I include myself here and often we can wonder why are we doing this etc.,

This is what I am reminding myself of. This is about SELF-CARE. Looking after myself and my body and putting me 1st. If any of you have children, think about what you gave up when you were pregnant or do for your kids so they are healthy.

Yet we struggle sometimes to give ourselves the same care we give others. I always say I love myself, but to truly love ourselves is to practice self care and I have finally decided or realised that if I truly loved me completely I would take better care of myself, my body and my health and not just ignore it, and go with the thread of I am happy and my clothes fit as I gradually go up the sizes.

Lies we tell ourselves like we carry it well, or wouldnt suit being too thin etc., for me they are out the window.

I breast fed my daughter for a year which was bloody tough and hard work but I did it because I believe it was the best for her. I need to do SS because I believe breaking my habits with food and relearning how to eat healthily is the best way to care for me. So anytime I think of breaking or just eating something I think of this.

Keep the faith guys and every day do something that is about caring for your own self the way that you no doubt care for others in your life either now or in the past.
I totally agree with the point about how we looked after ourselves whilst pregnant, and that it is now equally important to stay healthy for our children....I lost my mum at 33 and felt robbed, I feel guilty that I may eat myself into an early grave and leave my son mumless before the age of 33(my mum died due to complications following a routine op-not due to diet).
Hi Nicola, your post is exactly what I have spent most of today thinking about !! I care for others at work, I go out of my way to cheer people up and be supportive and if I am honest, I give myself nothing. Last night I thought if I was at work and someone came to me and told me what they were doing to themselves I would give them time, understanding and support. I feel such a freud at times as like I said I invest no time in myself :sigh: