Back In The Jug Agane

Fat Freddy

New Member
Here we are then, chaps!

108lbs lost, 116 still to go.......

Been trudging the LL road since starting on 24th July at a mighty and disgusting 397lbs, with a couple of months hard up front, followed by a lengthy hybrid hovering somewhere between LL and Atkins.

Following on from the (moderately disciplined) delights of Christmas (I managed to put on 2lbs - how was it for you?), I've decided to give the powders another concerted effort for a couple of months to give the project a bit of a relaunch. Abstinent I, then.

Bit of detail: I go to the Worthing LL Fat Club run by the excellent Val Perry, and I do not believe that food is my enemy. I manage to fill that role perfectly well myself.......
Good luck with your journey Fred. Onwards and downwards in 2011. Nutty x