Back again


technologically ignorant
Hi everyone

It's been ages since I last posted but I have deceided to try and get back into the swing. I think regular posting here keeps me going.

I have been on/off dieting this year but mostly off - I have crept back up to 16 stone. I am starting IVF in Jaunary so I have just gone back onto LL to try and shift a stone - the doctor says I can do LL until about day 5 of the treatment and then go onto LLL.

This of course means I will be dieting through Christmas and New Year and because I have just restarted I have decided to become social recluse for the duration as I know that I need to be a good month into the diet before I can be around other people eating.
Hi SW :)
And welcome back!
Wishing you good luck continuing your LL journey :)