
Full Member
Well I have come off the diet for the day.:argh:
Today is my daughter birthday,she is four ,and really is not that I couldnt resist the temptation I just felt that I wanted to celebrate.I have stayed clear any carbs during the hole day just stcking to the prots,chicken to be more precise,but I had to had a pice of the cake.I baked it myself and I thought it looked very good,it did teast it do but the funny thing is that after eating one piece my stomach started hurting.I believe that after 3 weeks of nothing there apart from liquid it's just shinkring ,which is really good.amyway back on it tomorrow and with a vengeance.I HAVE TO GET THERE!!!!!!
oh dear. try to drink loads of water. my daughter's 4th birthday is tomorrow. had her party today. most of the kids ate the cake and i gave the rest to my parents and hubby so there wasn't any for me. i just bought a lovely toy story cake and her party wasn't at home so i didn't have to cut up most of the cake. it was easier for me cause i didn't have to deal with it all.