back to ww after 6 months off and 7 kilos (15


New Member
Hey girls!

Well I'm back in Aus and since
Leaving uk and ww in 6
Months have gained 15 pounds back on! It's summer here now and after
Trying unsuccessfully and lazily with duromine last month rejoined weight watchers here in Australia and also learnt about propoints! This weekend ( first two days back on ww) has been my healthiest weekend in ages! Fresh fruit and salads have dominated and I'm feeling positive! I have faith I weight watchers as I know it's based on good health! Bloody
Duromine is for cheats and left me feeling lazy and unmotivated! Weight watchers was voted the BEST diet on the Aussie news the other night and i can see why - it really is about eating healthily and being honest about food! Now I just need to keep up this level of motivation and lose the love handles and thunder thighs b4 my wedding next year! Will check in next week
After weigh in!!!!