New Member vs Old Member!


Im on my second week of WW ProPoints and at the class on monday, a lady was complaining that a direct comparism of the foods she ate the week before against the food she had in the first propoint week meant she couldnt have eaten the same stuff without going over her allowance.
She complained that the new system meant we had to eat a lot less?

my leader seemed a bit baffled by this? and i havent done the old points system for years, so was a little concerned as i stuggle to eat my 29 daily points & 49 weekly points let alone go over!

anyone had this issue?
I think that it really depends on what you eat. If you are used to have a lot of carbs only stuff, then yes! You would STARVE yourself with the new system, specially if you didn't have the fruit. However, if you used to have a good balance, then you can easily keep on eating what you were already and, if you ate mostly proteins and very few carbs, then you can eat even more. It's all about having a BALANCE I think and not about how much you can eat ;) but unfortunately there are people who don't understand this. There are people who were baffled at seeing 29 pp allowance plus 49 and were there thinking they would be allowed to eat much more... and instead soon found out that it wasn't the case. Maybe a bit of disappointment involved ;)