What keeps you motivated?


Full Member
So what are you/were you most looking forward to when you lost some weight? Apart from the serious stuff - healthier, less risk of life-threatening illness etc - I'm really looking forward to holding up a pair of jeans that don't look massive! Ditto the undies.....
I want to wear jeans without having to have a very long top to cover bum and thighs, too.
Can't wait to get there!

Apart from the health benefits which were massive, I so wanted to be able to shop anywhere except Evans and all the "big girl" shops. Now I can go anywhere and still can't get my head around the fact that I can pick up a size 14 instead of a 26 or 28. I even got a size 12 fitted jacket last week!!!
Fitting in theatre/cinema seats and not feeling like I am squashing everyone on either side of me.
What I really like best of all, is looking in the mirror and no longer hating what I see. For a good few years, I had avoided looking at myself as I felt so fat and ugly and ashamed of what I had let myself become. Now, I just love catching sight of my reflection!!!! Wanting to hold on to that feeling helps me try to maintain my loss.