weekends feel like a weekend??


Full Member
Hi All,

I'm on week 2 of Exante TS and doing OK, the only problem I am finding is weekends. Normally pre exante, weekends felt like weekends mostly because I would treat myself with wine and nice food. Well that's out of the question now so I need ideas, what do you all do to make the weekend feel good!!
Weekends here mean sweets and choc on Saturday and a takeaway on Sunday. I'd better leave that to the rest of them this weekend. I know its the weekend when I'm standing on the sideline in the cold, pouring rain watching ds2 playing football. Fancy taking my place..........no, thought not, lol.
I completely understand your dilemma! I am all about wine and food weekends so how do you do something better than that??
Well - My plan is to sleep longer - tidy all the drawers and cupboards that i never get round to - spring clean the house ready for xmas - A long walk - Long baths with a book - Good Films & TV - And ive saved a chocolate shake today to have it hot later to see what its like!!
Good luck - let me know if you have any great ideas!
i dont really do anything at the weekend the kids are usually so busy playing and this website is so dry at the weekends its soo boring.
.............I go shopping to buy new smaller size clothes. I go to the charity shops to see what designer clothes people have cast off. You will be amazed at what goodies some people get rid of. xx Have fun!!!!
chill on here, going to cheap cinema with the kids lol! Bore hubby as he wants a take out!

keep strong and keep glugging
Hi everyone! I'm away to start exante tommorow (saturday) and have no idea how I'll get on. I have actually tried before but I just couldn't get past the first couple of days.... don't know how to cope with the hunger. I have quite a lot to lose (about 6 st) and its really starting to effect my health. I am too shy to socialise because of my weight and the deep fear that I will bump into people from my past who haven't seen the fat version of me. Anyway, I think I will be needing a lot of support! I'm delighted that I've come across this forum. Please let me know if you have any advise for the first week! Thanks xx
Welcome mhorag, I wish you ask the best for your Exante journey. This 1st few days might be challenging. Hunger and headaches probably. Keep up the water intake (minimum 2l spread throughout the day) and pop the odd painkiller if needed. Towards the end of the week you will be feeling better. Then you'll just have the emotional hunger to deal with. On the positive side, you'll also be quite a few pounds lighter! Hang around here and you'll get loads of support.

All the best
I agree with all the above! I have just completed day 5 and so far it's working! Spend alot of time reading, and on here for support!! That's what's got me through!!! Good luck and keep in touch xx
well thanks everyone ! I solved this weeks dilema by going shopping and buying a new net book o=to give ne uniterupted internet access, i sometimes have to fight for the family lap top lol...