I just took a chocolate bar from the fridge

Well done on putting it back, Hon. Shows that you are determined. I usually keep some Chewy Choc bars for those type of occasions. They are yum.:)
I got up at 4 and put the chocolate bar bak but got up at 6 and ate 7 iv worked out the calories and it means I shouldn't have a pack till tomorro night!!! :(
why is it that you have the temptation there???
if you know that you have these urges in the middle of the night.. why have the chocolate in the house?
i personally would remove all temptaion.... :)
Could you explain to them how difficult you find to resist the temptation and ask them to use put a combination lock on one of the cupboards (like between 2 door handles) or find a box that they can put a lock on ... oh .. and you can't know the combination! lol
Hi ya, i just posted on your other thread :) look like i said just move on and forget that, but whatever you do.... do not have less than your 3 Cambridge Packs a day. You NEED the Vitamins and Nutrients to maintain your health needs.

As for the Chocolate, ask your family if they would show you some support and just not have them in the house or if they do, to put them in their rooms away from you so you can't get them!

You need to start looking at this slightly different i think, you need to think this is not a diet its a re-education of your understanding of food. (talk to your CDC about this) Also if you feel the temptation to eat, text or call your CDC that is what they are there for....to help you and guide you into making the correct decisions. I am sure they have said this to you....

Just learn from this too and move on, don't dwell on it. It has happened and you can't change it ;)

Take care

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