poppyuk's new start


Full Member
hi, i've been away for a while, as i got completely obsessed with what i was eating and was changing diets all the time and couldn't stick to just one. i've been on a cruise and put on a few extra pounds, i need to loose for now about a stone, which might not seem alot to some but i'm finding it difficult to reach what i would like to be, i tend to stay around 10 1/2 stone but would feel more comfortable at 9 1/2, i have the typical middle age spread around my tummy and i dont feel comfortable in any of my clothes, still decidng on what diet to start and any suggestions would be appreciated :) thinking maybe starting with calorie counting :confused:
I think low carb may be a good way to go, especially if you have midriff bulge. Im diabetic so midriff fat is a problem, as thats where the fat store wants to go with diabetes, but low carbing has really worked wonders for me there.

When i say low carb i dont mean atkins, i just dont have the usual carb laden foods like bread (except for 2 small slices of wholemeal a day) any potatoes pasta or rice, and obviously sugar and flour, also i lay off the fat.
i limit myself to 2 slices of bread from a small hovis wholemeal loaf a day to make a sandwich for lunch, otherwise i have basically cut out any carby starchy foods.

Celeriac is a fantastic alternative to potato, low in cals low in carbs and much nicer. Slim104 came up with a recipe for celeriac chips which i did tonight and they were heavenly, celeriac cut into chip shape pieces, parboiled for 2 or 3 mins then sprayed with 1 cal spray and tossed in curry powder or paprika, then oven bake them for 20 or 30 minutes. Celeriac is also wonderful boiled and mashed with a little grated lemon rind and black pepper. Brown rice is also much nicer than white rice, very filling and wonderful nutty taste.

Pasta is bad! repeat after me, pasta is bad! even wholemeal pasta. I was addicted to the stuff, you couldnt pay me to eat it now.
Would alpen muesli be ok for breakfast instead of toast? i was just looking into the wartime rationing diet, apparently they lost weight and became healthier through rationing in the war, i might do some more research on that :) and will def look into the low carb eating to :D
Heya hun,
As usual Lynn is the mistress of good advice!
I do calorie counting, which is great for me because it means that you're not really cutting anything out, just rationing down the portions and stuff to fit in with what you've eaten that day or week.
I use 'my fitness pal' it's a website and an app on my phone that i can put what ive eaten into and it calculates the calories for me.

Best wishes, I hope it goes well for you :)