The final month?


I'm now in the final month of my second pregnancy and haven't been this far before - DS was prem and arrived at 35 weeks so this is new territory for me. Most of the pregnancy books seem to be aimed at first pregnancies really and I'm not sure quite what the last month should feel like - so far it isn't feeling like I thought it would.

This baby has hardly moved at all throughout the pregnancy, usually just once or twice a day at most. However on Friday it suddenly started kicking and hasn't stopped since! It's very reassuring to finally feel some real movement but I'm surprised as I thought you felt the baby less at the end as it was running out of space? But since Friday night it's been dancing non-stop which is great. I keep getting a lot of sharp pains very very low down where it seems to keep jabbing something sensitive - I don't know what it's poking, presumably not my cervix as the pain is very low and at the front. I think the cervix is towards the back?

I also thought this was a stage when you're peeing constantly again but I'm not. No excessive peeing, no swelling, no Braxton Hicks, no indigestion. A bit tired but nothing much really. I'm still throwing up a lot but that's seems to be routine for me, I threw up until delivery with DS too - I'm deeply envious of anyone whose morning sickness actually goes away after the first term and who only throws up in the morning - I have it all day, all pregnancy.

Anyway, any ideas on what the final month should be like 2nd time around? Is this how it is? If so, it's better than I thought it would be? Apart from the puking of course, but I expected that...

Baby is already apparently head-down, ready for delivery. I thought they normally engaged later on second pregnancies. I'm wondering if that means it's planning on arriving early. I wouldn't worry if it came now as I know it's old enough to be OK but as I have to have a Caesar it would be nice to have a calm, booked one rather than an emergency one like last time. All our bags etc are ready to go though in case it does decide to speed things along.
Hi, so pleased you have got so far this time;) There are no specific 'symptoms' in the last couple of weeks apart from what you are describing, baby is usually just as active the movements are just different sensation as they sway back and fore rather than somersult and the jabs can be quite painful esp down below. What you are feeling in your pelvic area is the weight of your baby nothing unusual there. Your baby has got into the right position by being head down but that doesn't mean it has engaged into the pelvis sometimes it doesn't actually engage until labour in a 2nd pregnancy. You will probably begin to feel more tired as the weeks go on due to the extra weight of the baby but I would just enjoy the fact that you are not experiencing some of the more unpleasant aspects of late pregnancy i.e piles and swollen feet LOL
Thanks Jo. Yes, in general it's much more comfortable than I thought it would be. The jabs do hurt but constipation is no worse than earlier, no piles, no swelling at all - I'm still wearing my wedding ring, a few beached whale moments getting out of chairs and I'm walking like a penguin but I'm not feeling short of breath etc, all's pretty good really.

I'm a bit nervous, mainly due to first pregnancy having been so risky. I'll be relieved when baby is safely here but all seems to be going much more easily than we expected at this stage.