11 days so far :)


Full Member
Havent had a fag for 11 days... im starting to taste food better and not coughing as much now :) i do feel better but personally i find giving up smoking easier than not eating chocolate... I mean i got to the point of thinking whats the point in smoking anymore, im only leading myself to an early grave and i know its the same with my eating habits but i spose im in the frame of my mind of how can chocolate really kill me?

Ive got so many mixed feelings atm and i know im using chocolate to cover it all up but its the only way i know how to deal with feelings. Im so broody atm im nearly pulling my hair out but i cant have another child on benefits, its unfair and not right at all and spec when me n the other half have difficult times atm.

I'll stop babbling now :eek: