Low calorie desserts

Just Peachy

Slowly But Surely
I just thought I would share two of my favourite life savers!

I don't know about you, but I may be on a diet but it doesn't mean I have killed my sweet tooth.

So when I feel like something decadent, I cut up an apple into slices, put some cinnamon on it, and a touch of maple syrup (not a lot). Then I cook it in the microwave for a couple minutes, add some raisins and/or yoghurt on top and you've got yourself an amazing dessert for under 100 calories. It is truly wonderful!

Also, when it gets too hot, I like to make fruity herbal tea and freeze it in icicle maker things. They are cold and delicious and have 0 calories, hello!

Enjoy :)
Wow! Both sound yummy!

Thankyou for those brilliant ideas! :D Really appreciated!! :D
Wonderful, let me know if you like them :)
I must try the first one. It sounds heavenly! Thanks for this. :)
I've started to drink herbal teas a lot. Never though about freezing them! Living in Cyprus I need a lot of cold things too! FAB! : ) Thanks.
I think i've got some cherry flavoured in the cupboard i'll try first. X