Quark and Total 0% greek yog


Bought these on a whim the other day: what shall I make with them? Want some dinner recipes suitable for me, DH and 3 year old...

Ooh I remember a lovely SW recipe from years ago which used Quark to do a stuffed chicken thing.

Chicken breasts
Parma ham
Garlic cloves (crushed)
Fresh basil
fry light


Preheat oven to 220C.

Mix garlic, quark and basil together in a bowl. Set aside.

Slit a "pockets" in the top of the chicken breasts.

Stuff quark mixture into pockets. Wrap a sheet of parma ham around each chicken breast, place on baking tray & spray with frylight.

Put in oven for 25-30 minutes.

Serve with SW chips & salad. :)

(sorry, I don't do measure on these kind of things...it doesn't really matter on this one, just put as much or as little garlic/basil as you like)

(1.5 sins per chicken breast)
As for the total, my favourite recipe with these is a dead simple pud, but sooo yummy...

Total 0%
tsp honey per serving
fruit (I like blueberries with this)

er, that's it...but it's really tasty, and 1 sin per serving. Tastes waaaay naughtier than that!

Total also good for tsatsiki or yogurt & mint dip to go with greek or indian food

(tsatsiki: mix diced cucumber, sugar free mint sauce, dash lemon juice and total, refrigerate. For yogurt and mint dressing, just omit the cucumber)