
New Member
Hi just joined site. Joined WLsurgery.com last night, got to here through it, trying to create a avatar?????? Don't have a clue how to get about or how to find out if anyone's replied to my posts, I'm sure I'll get there eventually. Everyone seems to be very friendly, supportive and helpful. Hope I can be the same assuming I work out what I'm doing. I joined cause my hubby's going for a Gastric Bypass, starts his milk diet tomorrow. Wanted to be the best help I could be and there are lots of people on here who have done are going to or are doing it. There is no one better to ask or talk to. Anyway I'll try now and create my avatar, should be interesting.:confused:

What great support youll be for your husband.

Have a read of guidance for newbies as it shows you how to do everything, and avatar can only be created after 20+ post I believe..
Welcome! I'm new here as well and still trying to find my way around. It seems like a very nice website, though.
I hope everything goes well with the Gastric Bypass surgery. One of my family friend's had it, and he lost a ton of weight and it really turned his life around.
Hi and welcome! Good luck on your weight loss journey! :)

Sharkbait1983 x