I'm back, did you miss me?


Rebel without a calorie
Happy Monday morning everyone.
I've had a lovely weekend. My friend came over and we had a bbq and a lazy relaxing time chatting and catching up :blahblah:, but yesterday it took me half the day to clear up! I think I got plenty of exercise with the 4 loads of washing I put on the line as my house is on a hill and I had to keep going up and down the stairs on the deck ha ha.
Today I'm back on total after only 6 days of add a meal, so am officially joining Team Pink.
I'll need a great deal of willpower to get back in the zone but am determined because I want to lose another 13lbs before my holiday.
Also good old Mother Nature has delivered my gift so that explains why my tummy was so bloated. I thought it was because of the a.a.m week. On the bright side my trousers are falling down today :8855:
What a stupid question, did we miss you? Sounds like you had a very good weekend, good luck with the TS I am sure you will be fine, in fact I know Team Pink needs you because I can sense a failing coming on with someone.
he is just being a rather mean forum Daddy and trying to sub consciously suggest we will give in... naughty crafty naughtiness

and of course missed you miss purr xx glad you had a lovely weekend.. sorry I was slow to reply been a little poorly yuck
