

Silver Member
Oh god the wired pregnancy dreams have started!
I remember having these with dd.
They are always weired and/or sexual!!! :confused:

For instance....it's embarrassing confessing but I was a lesbian with one of my close friends who's actually a lesbian!!! :eek:

I always feel quite disturbed when I awake!!:eek:

Does anyone else get dreams like this when pregnant???
I had really vivid dreams when I was pregnant but they weren't sexual. My dreams were nightmares really, always about dead babies I used to wake up traumatised, then couldn't get back to sleep for worrying. Think it's just an occupational hazzard for pregnant women.
Yip the dreams were one of the first clues I was pregnant, they're always vivid, sometimes sexual and I've actually had a couple of orgasms in my sleep :eek: I've also dreamt about my lesbian work colleague in a sexual way too, several times! I dreamt about DS's headmaster and the usual being caught exposed in public etc. An interesting nightlife!
Oh Lisa those dreams don't sound to nice think I'll stick with my rather saucy dreams instead! Love the honesty scooter! I just don't know where the thoughts for these dreams come from but again last night I dreamed I was trying on some rather raunchy undies!
Shan't be telling hubby or else he might get rather jealous!!! lol
so glad its not just me :0)
the dreams i have are so vivid and often saucy as hell (((blush )))) think hubbie would be very disturbed and jealous if he knew !!
Dead jealous of you lot and your saucy dreams lol, I just have nightmares :mad:
Just on the weird dreams here, not nightmarish, not saucy. To be honest they've eased off a bit since I hit the 2nd trimester, so I guess something may return come the 3rd one!
Good god these dreams I'm having! Wouldn't dare tell anyone cause they make me blush when I wake up, didn't know I had it in me! lol

I am having them at least once a week!

I wonder if this is the male equivalent to wet dreams!?!?!? haha