When did your counselling really click for you?


Full Member
Hi All,

The reason I ask this question as because I have tried every diet under the sun and two meal replacements Cambridge and Lipotrim but still gave up or gained weight.

The reason I thought of Lighterlife is because I thought the counselling would be really powerful and get me through it all but I have to say although i have enjoyed the last 2 meetings and have had a real good read of the foundation book I don't feel like the counselling is of much benefit so far??

Any advice would be great.............
Hi Ali

For me, I can't say it actually clicked at any particular point, in that I didn't see a big blinding light and suddenly understand why I was overweight, and how to manage my weight at a healthy level for life. :D

What did happen, was various bits and pieces made sense, and helped me understand what my trigger points were, and how to try and avoid them, or deal with them without turning to the fridge for comfort. Not everything we covered in the sessions was useful by any stretch of the imagination, but a fair few things were. Also, we're all different, and some of the stuff I found useful others didn't get at all, and vice versa.

Try not to see the counselling as the holy grail - it's just really a load of tools that used effectively, could help you maintain your new healthy weight in the future. Just do keep an open mind, and give all the ideas a go, you never know what may work for you unless you try :)
it's a progression, I've completed RTM and am now going back on LLL to lose another bit I have put on, but I am still earning and having light bulb moments. I guess for me I think about it as I have been overweight for 12 + years, I'm not going to learn how to be a slim person in 6 months on abstinence. For me the counseling has been amazing, but I had to change councilors to find one that for me is a total inspiration. Good luck and stick with it, it's early days.
Hi Ali. for me each meeting strengthens my resolve to reach my target weight. and also like lucy said it doesnt just hit you! from each meeting you take away bits of information which make you really think about what you're doing around food and why your eating. my meetings motivate me. the whole process of being weighed and then talking to your group about your loss each week is also very helpful and it makes me feel good about myself. i also find myself talking to the people around me about the discussions and they then help me along the way reminding me why im doing this. thats some of the ways the meetings help me but we're all different and for you it might be something else totally.
David do you just get weighed in every week and then have to go home without any counselling :confused: