Mid aftenoon hunger


Full Member
Why does it happen? I find that mid afternoon i get the real munchies, i am not hungry just want to munch, i know i need to distract myself but have already done an excercise dvd and still want to munch!

I have found myself munching on some peanuts which i have had to have as my hf snack and also stole 3 jelly babies from my daughter.

Can you buy extra will power at Tesco? I guess not, but would appreciate any ideas that you may have as picking/snacking is my downfall and i know its so easy to consume more cals than you think.

sorry for moaning. Thanks for listening.
Hey you're not moaning at all ;)

When I feel a munch time coming on, I go and find something to do. I only get the munchies when I'm at home, usually late afternoon and late evening. When it happens in the afternoon I go out for a run or I shut myself in the spare room and have a dance session. When it happens at night I think 'sod this' and I go to bed!! It's better than raiding the cupboards, and I feel much better the following morning for not giving in lol I think one of the main parts of dieting is to simply keep busy then you don't think about food :)
do you have your powersnack at this time???? its what its there for, to keep you going.

I know its easy to say 'find something to do' but now the summer is here its much easier to go into the garden and play with the kids, get some garden games and you are not only avoiding the munchies, but you're burning calories too