Time to step it up a level.


I started RC 4 weeks ago and with the exception of one little slip up (thanks to the person who left the easter egg out :whistle:) I have stuck to the plan and managed shed 16 unwanted pounds. Not bad considering I only did 20 minutes swimming and 2 RC aerobic sessions during that time. I know that my weight loss will slow down so decided I need to kick my rear into action. So tonight I went back to the gym for the first time in 8 weeks and did a 45 minute spin class!!!

Only problem now is I'm famished. Just polished of a Tesco's LC Lasagne and a full 200g bag of roasted butternut sqaush and Sweet Potatoes!!! Off to have a yoghurt shortly but trying to hold out for a while!

Anyway I have session booked with a Personal trainer next week in addition to the spinning classes I will go to. Anything to keep the numbers moving in the right direction :)
Well done so far, its a great weight loss.

Instead of eating, try drinking water cos sometimes our brain tells us we are hungry when we are actually thirsty. Alternatively go and brush ur teeth as a) nothing tastes good when you've brushed your teeth and b) who wants to eat when their teeth are all nice and clean and feel good against your tongue????

Good luck
awesome work so far, and the exercise will really tone up your body shape :)