Backhanded, unusual or just plain weird compliments?

HI All,
I have been meaning to start this thread for a while, just for fun.

What are the strangest compliments you have ever had?

I am sure, like me, you have also received your share of backhanded compliments too (you know the sort- you are light on your feet for a big girl, that dress is gorgeous on you how on earth did you find one to fit? etc etc.)

And then the just plain weird compliments- I will share my favourite one beware of intimate detail...

During my last smear test the practice nurse told me I had a 'very accommodating cervix' because she was able to get the speculum in straight away! Thinking of having a t-shirt made with that on and see how many offers I get!
I was once told "You've got very neat feet .... for such a BIG person.."
Wonder I can balance on them, really....