New kiwi guy saying hi :)


New Member
hi everybody :)

just thought i had better say hi, I've finally decided to get off my butt and do something about my waist line!

Several years ago I lived in the UK and did Slimming World, lost a lot of weight but it has gradually crept back on.

two kids have arrived and I don't want to see them missing out on good fun times with Dad because I am not fit or healthy enough to play with them (and keep up).

So... I've got my old SW books, and am starting today for a hard core month, adding exercise from the "Couch to 5K" jogging programme (Google it - it is awesome, it gets you from sitting on the couch to running 5K in 9 weeks, has podcasts and stuff to help).

I've got a goal of losing 21 kg (46 lb for you poms! ;0 ) and being able to get back into an expensive suit that I had years ago.

I'm starting today, and will try and keep my progress updated.

Would love some company on the journey!

Cheers, Steve in New Zealand