Have a cold - HELP!


Full Member
After swimming in Atlantic have a cold, feeling awful, very dry throat and disgusting taste in my mouth.
Need tips what to take!!
Sorry you're suffering .. you can take paracetamol and you can gargle with either salt water, a soluble aspirin in water or I've heard gargling with sage can help though I've not tried that myself - none of these things will affect LT. Hope you feel better soon xx
Thanks very much, I'm on nurofen now, will add aspirin as well.
Its not fun at all to be on LT and be sick, having cravings all the time for any kind of comfort food!
I didn't mean for you to take aspirin - just to gargle with one dissolved in water if your throat is sore and then spit it out. I don't know whether aspirin is compatible with nurofen so be careful! xx


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Can you take aspirin paracetamol and nurofen at the same time please?

  • 6 months ago
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by dinner nanny Member since: 31 July 2007 Total points: 3015 (Level 4)
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

You can take paracetamol interspersed with aspirin OR ibuprofen (Nurofen is a Brand Name), but you can't take ibuprofen and aspirin at the same time (that means on the same day! They are both stomach irritants and may interact badly). Some brands of pain relief contain paracetamol and aspirin (such as Annadin
Well, too late, took 2 aspirins already. My stomach is fine, can handle everything! But after i took it , checked the box and it says there that there is an citric acid! in it, so i shouldn't be takeing it while on LT!
Oh for goodness' sake .... you couldn't have even guessed that one? Citric Acid? Grrrrr! Glad it didn't affect you - I've got a cast iron stomach too - I know what you mean lol!

Hope you're feeling better x