meal ideas? needing to eat a bit heathier?


Silver Member
does anyone have any nice delicious meal ideas for me?
atm i am eating mostly weight watchers pizza, bgty chips, chicken with veg and stuff, homemade chicken bites, thats all i am eating atm and it makes me feel like its not healthy enough to boost the weight loss, although its all very low fat and low cals.
One of my faves is spaghetti carbonara. For one person, fry off ( with fry light) 2 rashers of turkey bacon, 100g mushrooms and a little garlic ( I use a tiny bit of garlic paste...a little goes a long way :D). Add chopped parsley ( fresh or dried ), then add 60g of philly extra light. Don't have the heat too high, then toss in wholewheat spaghetti and serve. ( for the spaghetti, I have 100g dry weight pasta).

I also like seafood pasta. Take 100g seafood cocktail mix ( mussels, squid and prawn), add half a tub of tomato and herb pasta sauce ( the ones you get from the chill cabinet, but double check the fat content as some of the more expensive ones are made with olive oil). Heat through, then add in your cooked pasta, and serve :)

I keep a food diary under "Secret Diary Of A Fat Girl ;op - Maybe there would be something in there you like x