Carrot & Corriander Soup


Full Member
Hi guys & gals.....:D

Does anyone have a recipe for no or low point carrot & corriander soup....?

Thanks in advance..x;)

I make this one up to my own recipe.. just have a go and adjust to taste.

I use one onion, one clove of garlic - I don't fry them up I just stick them in a pan and add stock (I use one vegetable stock cube and make up about 2pints of stock with that) I use probably about one lb of carrots - measurements don't have to be exact just guess it.. I also had a teasponn of ground coriander powder - I then let it boil away until the carrots are soft.. then throw in roughly two handfuls of fresh coriander.

Let it cook a bit longer - maybe 10-20 mins. Turn off the heat, let it cool and then blitz with a blender (I use one of those handheld thingies).

If you want to add salt and pepper or chillies or anything else it's up to you.

That makes enough for three huge lunch portions :D