Hunger hunger!!!


Never gets tired of SW!
OK, so over the last few days I've been feeling more hungry than usual!! I'm off work on annual leave at the moment, so spending more time at home, but I'm drinking plenty of water and asking myself if it's REALLY hunger and not just something to do, and it really is hunger! I've been going for long walks nearly every day (4-6 miles each) and another thing I've been doing is eating Scanbran and this has increased my need for the number 2!!! I'm eating plenty but getting worried that I'm eating too much- I have a hearty appetite anyway(feel free to see my food diary and comment), although I'm staying WELL within my syns! Do you think it's the exercise/scan bran/increased toilet trips that's doing it? I'm not stuffing my face, I'm just trying to eat sensible free food (with a few treats thrown in) but I'm starting to worry that my intake will inhibit my weight loss next week!! I think my anxiety is heightened due to the fact that I STS this week after a really good week last week with exercise!X
as long as you're filling up with healthy free and superfree food you'll be fine, don't let yourself be hungry.

i have found that i go to the loo more and im hungry too, i think your body is probably processing things faster now, because it's all healthy things and not processed, so things move through you faster :)
Hmmm could be that, but I've been at this game 21 weeks now which is why it's strange that I'm so hungry just the last few days! I think it may be all the exercise and pooing, making way for more food! You've had great losses Woodsylou! Do you post a food diary for me to see?X
the very 1st time i went on slimming world, after about a stones weight loss i noticed the same thing!! as you become more active your body does need more! i thought, i'm staying the same so i need to eat less and exercise more which was a huge mistake!! if you are hungry and it real hunger then eat! more free foods as much as u can!! otherwise your body wont release the weight as ur body will think its not getting enough and will hold on! (hope that makes sense)

so the bottom line is to lose weight on SW you DO need to eat more specially if your activities have increased!!
Aww thanks Simmy1978, you've reassured me!! I'm delighted with my weight loss so far and after this weeks STS starting to feel a bit deflated and insecure about the way I'm eating!- silly really considering how good the week before was- It just shows how much THIS week can really effect us!! The last thing I want to do is eat in a way that inhibits weight loss- I'm not even half way to target yet- 3 lb to go til I am!! What you've just said makes sense!XXX
I had a hungry week and a bit few weeks ago-i ate free food as snacks during that and lost 3.5lb that week!

this week Ive been the opposite and looking back at what ive had, feel like i havent ate enough even though im not hungry

So eat all you want to as long as its in your syns!
Totally agree with Simmy and if you try to stick to more superfree foods inbetween then you'll be fine.
Our food doesn't necessarily have to decrease as we lose weight as our activity has increased, our bodies ate like engines...they can't run efficiently without the right fuel. With SW the fuel is Free and Superfree foods and as much as you need :D

So eat and be merry lol
Aww thanks Simmy1978, you've reassured me!! I'm delighted with my weight loss so far and after this weeks STS starting to feel a bit deflated and insecure about the way I'm eating!- silly really considering how good the week before was- It just shows how much THIS week can really effect us!! The last thing I want to do is eat in a way that inhibits weight loss- I'm not even half way to target yet- 3 lb to go til I am!! What you've just said makes sense!XXX

Just keep reminding urself of how far you have come!! you have made an amazing achievement and i am sure as long as you follow the plan and whatever u do dont go hungry then i am sure you will have many more losses to come!