What TV shows make you determined?


Full Member
Okay so I'm on my lunch hour, everyone at work is eating or going to get food etc and I'm thinking about what TV shows make me feel although i don't want to eat...!!

I would have to say, the main one for me is friends - Mainly Jennifer Anniston with those skinny arms!!

What shows do it for you?????
Match of the day... I want to get back to my football again. It kills me...
Fat families, you are what you eat, operation transformation, all those diet ones!
I don't have any TV prgrams that motivate me, but the film/documentary "Pumping Iron" makes me super motivated!
oooh mines gok wans fashion fix. so wana b slim enuf 2 wear nice clothes!!! lol.
Have to say it's the cookery programmes that motivate me particularly Nigel Slaters ones, something very calming about that guy, figure just get this weight off and then I can eat lovely food (healthy obviously)
I'm with Daisyhappy all those diet ones and watching the music channels too, everyone is so skinny on there!
mainly for me as i only have 4 channels its the biggest loser and then my box sets of gossip girl and the hills,,all the girls in bikinis makes me jealous lol..x
Definately the biggest loser for me and i love the cooking programmes too!
One Tree Hill...Glee.....Home and Away!! its them collarbones and hipbones..and the toned flat stomachs... how good to the clothes look on them...
I have been avoiding the cooking programmes, but I watched Nigel Slater yesterday and was really inspired to stick to this, so that I can try all the food when I'm slim! I might give the food channels ago, cos I have missed them.

I also like the music channels, those dancers all look so toned.
The Hills and this and all these series with young, slim and beautiful chicks. Makes me so jealous I'm determined more than ever to lose weight x