Holy Cow, one day of being 100% and this loss


Full Member
of 2lbs ! :eek: :D

I weigh myself each day as an incentive and motivation to keep going, but have still been naughty sometimes when feeding my daughter and nick a spoonful of her food sometimes. :rolleyes:

I didnt think it made *that* much difference as we're talking about size of your little fingernail.

When talking to my CDC about it, she asked what I was actually feeding my daughter and said 'Yes it's small, but think she has 2 - 3 meals a day' and whatever else you pinch ;) I do take the odd bit of baby rice cake :eek: And this would probably be throwing me in and out of ketosis, I'm loosing weight just a bit slower.

'So try to cut it completely out.' She says.

That was yesterday morning, so all meals I have left Jess' meals well alone and just finding it SO much easier to think that all food no matter how small is out of bounds, hopped on the scales this morning and you could have knocked me over with a feather, 2lbs overnight !! :D
It'll probably slow down a bit now as my body goes back in ketosis, but that has most DEFINATELY put me on the straight and narrow now.
well done kate, you wouldn't think a tiny taste would make that much difference, just goes to show, I only taste for seasoning etc when making dh meals, will have to give it a miss and see if it helps