Yoga and will power?


Full Member
Hey everyone so i went to my first yoga class tonight and really enjoyed it :). Just wanted to find out peoples experiences with practicing yoga and meditation to help with willpower for weight loss?
I went to a few classes when I was off work sick and I found it to be very relaxing and focussing. Not sure if it benefitted my weight at all tho
I think yoga is probably like Tai Chi. You have a great sense of well being if you do it. If you practise every day it can only be of benefit. If you're a comfort eater, then a sense of calm will help.
... and of course (I don't mean this flippantly, either), while you're occupied, you're not raiding the fridge etc. I haven't done much yoga, but I do meditate. Thinking about it now, it wouldn't take much to adapt it to a form of self-hypnosis, but certainly a few words of re-affirmation while you meditate would help.
i do yoga once a week and practice a few moves myself at home. i think a good yoga session should also get your heart rate up and build muscle and burn fat, as well as give you some peace and inner calm.

as for will power, i haven't even considered using it for that, but it can't hurt!