So far....


Full Member
Well as I come into week three I am doing ok!
The clothes are loose,everyone thinks Im bonkers not eating and I am adapting to the vast amount of water.

Tried & tested already:

*choc muffin-ok,nice to chew
*soup naam bread-NEVER EVER AGAIN like eating a bag of salt!
*Love the mousses
*just tried the coconut flapjack today....unsure really,but drank a load after

Hoping to stick with it for a couple months at least!

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good luck and well done:)
Great that you are feeling so good and positive, I'm glad you didn't like the 'soup nan bread!?' and you shouldn't really be making muffins out of the shakes either really. It's up to you as it's your diet but cooking the shakes destroys the vitimins and nutrients in them, so please be careful!

Anyway keep going strong and people will stop thinking your mad and start asking you where to get LT from, lol
i dont like the soup :(
good luck on your weight loss jorney xx
Well done on your losses so far, they're fantastic.

So what if people think you're bonkers. I'd rather be bonkers than overweight and unhealthy!

I just love the clothes getting loose, isn't it a great satisfying feeling? I find myself standing there with a big smug grin on my face when I've tried something on that is too big. Nothing spurs you on more than moving to a smaller size!

Keep at it sweetie!
cheers all
well done you sound very positive keep it that way and the weeks will fly so what if they think ur bonkers best to be bonkers and slim xx