Atkins bar


Full Member

I forgot my soup for work today, I had a milkshake at 7am but won't be home until 7pm, so really want something to eat between. Would I be ok to have an Atkins bar from Boots, as a one off?? I'm doing SS.

As a one off I think you'd be ok yeah, definitely better than a sandwich or anything like that.
yeah it would be fine (as an emergency). will be higher in fats but atkins is not a vlcd so will not be low cal. BUT the main thing is it will keep you in ketosis. Better than nothing at all x
They are lower calories than the CD bars, or the one I had when I had to was anyway. But I went for the smaller bar, not the big one. That was was less carbs, less calories, but not as much protein though.
They are perfectly fine as an emergency.
But please be aware that they might send you into craving franzy...
I had them for a last two days and admitedly had a major blips at night. I cant even remember having such a strong cravings even while on WW before CD. So yeah, go ahead but be very careful as well x