Jealous or Envious after weight loss form others?


Silver Member
hey for those of you who are losing weight and have lost weight did you experience any negative ro jealous remarks from so-called friends or family?

One of my co-workers was really upset. She's lost a lot of weight at least 60 pounds and she looks great and 2 people in particular told her she looks better with weight because now her face is all sunk in:eek::mad:.. and actually asked her was she going to have a face lift or something..

I was pissed off because it was obvious that she was overweight where her health was in question considering she was 80 pounds overweight. after she told me it took every once of me not to go mental on them.. There are jealous and now that she is turning heads and beautiful they have to say something negative..

me personally I haven't had too many negative comments about the way I look after my 48 pound lost. ( I've lost an additional 5 pounds) just that low carb and atkins wasn't healthy and that I'm at risk to re-gain the weight back. Then I tell them that could happen with any diet and then they shut up. LOL
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Wow that was sweet of your SIL.. I don't understand why people would be jealous but I hate to say it but females are the worse. The jealousy and etc.. is something terrible. growing up most of my friends were males because I was a tomboy and still I prefer to watch rubgy or american football then good shopping and I dont know how to use make up at all, only mascara LOL...

I think when I person who was once overweight and fat that didnt get a lot of attention and the people around them stood out now the roles are being reversed and it's diffcult to cope with it..
I thinki I posted thos, but I did have one woman once told me I looked better when I was "Big"
I definitely did and the most jealous is my sister, who now continually snipes about me behind my back, even though we used to be close and I gave her a roof over her head for 2 months when she left her husband.

Most people are complimentary but I did get some who told me not to lose anymore, even though i was a stone and a half off my target weight, so obviously needed to.
This has been mentioned on the CD board too - the thinking is it either takes people a while to become accustomed to your new appearance after losing a lot in a short time, or your skin takes time to tighten up and does go through a 'baggy' phase.
Strange how people think they can comment on losses (I've had people tell me I now look 'gaunt' and they are worried about me), when no-one ever told me I looked like a moose when I was bigger and 'do you think you should stop gaining weight now??' :D
Personally, I think it's a conspiracy by all thinnies who resent us former fatties joining their club :8855:
LOL @ board. I have to agree with you about the thinnies...

Also you made a good point. When I was overweight and obviously looking at my pics you can see the difference, why didnt any one me that I was getting fatter :confused: why is it people are quick to tell you that you've lost too much weight or look gaunt but won't tell you that you are getting too big...
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LOL board, good point mate. :)
That's good that you do have a supportive family and positive people around you. I haven't had too much of negative comments and etc.. but when my co-worker told me what happened to her I was floored! I guess some people get off on making others feel bad.. sad but true