Fell off the wagon!!!


Full Member
Big time! Went to a friends house for dinner on Saturday night and they cooked all sorts of mexican loveliness. I dread to think how many carbs i had. Felt incredibly bloated all day yesterday and started afresh today. Have had an Atkins day break bar and a very virtuous pint of water. Hope I haven't done too much damage - I didn't dare weigh myself this morning. Ah well.
Ah, we have all been there Carla, you're doing the best thing, getting straight back in to clean green induction.
Thanks Jim! I just hope it doesn't happen too much - I can see it being a bit of a problem hen we go to other people's houses for dinner. :sigh:
If the worst comes to the worst you can always take tasty but Atkins-friendly food with you.

This might seem less fun but it takes away the fear of over-indulging and helps to prevent the nasty guilt feelings, afterwards.

We tend to be weak in the face of extreme temptation and a few bites of regular carbs can so often lead to a binge. Well, this is true in my case. Once that old response has been triggered I sometimes find it very difficult to stop.

But you had a great time, it was only the one incident so put it behind you, climb back in that wagon, and let it roll!