O/T Cambridge Diet and Dating


Girl on a mission
Is there anyone about who has just started dating and on the cd.....I'm restarting next week when i get my fresh packs, but was wondering how you deal with 1= Bad breath lol and 2) meals out

I were planning on meals out just to have chicken salad for that evening and not drink, but proper worried with the breath...Is it an issue for anyone? don't want the first kiss to be the last one lol :D or will breath spray be enough to cover it :eek:
chicken salad would be fine, again stick to all the proteins.. ask megan as she went a date and had the same issue last week with menu choices i think, or maybe not i cnat remember.. haha! the bad breath, i dont think there is anything else you can have apart from the spray, you will just have to use it when you go for toilet stops ect when you you through out the course of the date if it makes you feel better, also have a good amount of water that day, im sure that helps. have a good date! :)
Cheers hun

Will be sticking with the protein for sure:D and will definitely be having extra toilet breaks for fresh breathing lol:p
i have pondered this myself...have been off the dating wagon for a while but losing weight & feeling better about myself is making me think i will be more open to it. But cant imagine what would do with meals & booze etc on dates! Never mind the bad breath! And wonder how soon could tell potential boyfriend about CD (which would make it easier!)
ha ha ha ha funny I had been seeing someone before CD but it kind of drifted apart, he keeps asking to take me out, but \I keep making excuses down to the bad breath not the food or drink lol i always have breath spray but still so paranoid :) xx