Going it alone! NN89 'starting again' diet!


Sexy Member
Argh I hate the fact im having to start again and remotivate myself, but at the same time its important i have recognised my bad eating habits, and hate feeling guilty every day for not eating right (cue 3 takeaways this week, and much crunchie bars in my break). Tomorrow is a new dawn, i have healthy synfree food stocked up, am planning to go for a light run when I get up, and PLAN PLAN PLAN ahead!

Its the motivation thing tho..but im really going to try doing a whole month on the diet, i'm going alone this time tho, will be recording food diary in..well my diary and on here, and weigh in will be sunday mornings at boots!!! After january i may go back to classes as i'll be on a more regular schedule due to being back at uni

Wish me luck..off to bed now, hoping tomorrow goes well!!!