I binged on sugar free stuff...

Confession time...

Yesterday I was very 'good' until the evening. Then for no reason I can pinpoint I fell upon my recent delivery of low carb food and treats like a ravening she-wolf (an exaggeration but I scoffed too many sweets, nuts and choc). And yes, I suffered the physical consequences.

So for the next four days I will have to cut out polyols, nuts, cheese and low carb pittas.


Good luck to all. I am veggie so Atkins is far from easy and clear-cut for me. The slow rate of weight loss can be discouraging but the new balance it gives in my life is amazing. I can eat again! Real food, too.

This is but one generous blessing of the low carb way of eating.
Have been good today, thankfully.

Must say that the comparatively tiny 'binge' I had on sugar free goodies was nothing compared to the sheer loss of control I once experienced when bingeing on regular carbs.

This is amazing progress. You get to the stage where you just don't want to pig out on carbs any more! I never thought I'd see the day lol.
Hi girly.. well a binge happens sometimes and at least you got it under control.. I've had one too many low carbs products the chocolates and etc.. and you do suffer in the end with the side effects... :(

But like you said at least you are getting to a point where you don;t want to pig out on carbs anymore..
Hi Girly and welcome love. I'm not sure how you're going to manage Atkins being a veggie. We did have some one try it but it didn't work for her. Good luck though.
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Thank you!

It does make Atkins much harder, being veggie. We have a limited selection of foods to choose from. But I will persevere.
Good for you love. Do you eat fish?
good on you doing it being a veggie I wouldn't know where to start!!

No I don't eat fish. This is why I use pasta now and then, it helps to provide a more varied meal selection.

I eat a lot of quorn and always count the carbs. Since starting Atkins my vegetable intake has soared. Cauliflower and spinach have become staple foods lol.

Tonight I made low carb bread and the smell in the house is wonderful! I eat it sparingly of course but this, too, makes a real difference.
Good for you girly, I couldn't be a veggie if I tried.
Thanks peeps!

When I consider my life now, and compare it to how things were when I was heavily overweight, I feel truly blessed.

I am size 12-14. I have only a relatively small amount of weight to lose now. I no longer want to be ultra skinny - I see that for what it is and it is neither attractive nor healthy! - and I face most days feeling 'normal' instead of kinda freakish. Those who have been morbidly obese or even just plain fat will understand what I mean.

I have even reached the stage where my actual weight matters far less than it used to. I don't jump on and off the scales and haven't for a long time.

This new serenity is in great part due to the low carb way of eating. I find it the perfect approach for the latter stages of weight loss because it gives amazing confidence around food. Many many times in the course of an average day I could 'cheat', but I don't want to. In fact I no longer regard eating off-plan as cheating in the old sense. It is just food. Neither good nor evil. If I overeat or slip on carbs it is no sin! It just means that my weight loss will stall or slow.

I have a book called Freedom From Food, bought years ago. Finally I am starting to enjoy that freedom. It was never the food; it was me, and the way I reacted to life instead of acting upon it.

I would love those who struggle with food to try low carbing. It has eased the symptoms of my lifelong eating disorder in a way no medication ever could.
That's a great post Girly, thank you.