Hello, I'm new (: [big long intro]

Prior to having got my head together, I had a real weight issue. I'd fast for weeks on end until I was hospitilized, and after that I suddenly took up binging and purging. After a rather large breakdown and gaining two stone, I've put my bad habits behind me and I'm now going to start doing things the right way :)

Atm I weigh 10.5st / 147lb, at 5ft 4in ): I'm looking to drop 35lb and get to 8st, and see how that looks on me. If it looks sickly skinny, I'll make my aim 8.5st :)

When I'm finally happy with my weight, I'm going to get a tattoo :) It's still in the sketching progress, but I have a general idea of what I want it to look like.

I've only just started my new diet, but I've completely cut out junkfood and the only dairy products I now eat is the milk on my Special K :)

Atm the only exercise I get is walking about 6 miles a day. I'm really self conscious about exercising in public so I'm going to start doing home work-outs using the SparkPeople Youtube videos which will hopefully get me to my goal. But I'm thinking of buying a DDR mat because apparently you burn like 30 calories per song on those things :O

Either way, I hope this forum will keep me going until I finally reach my goal, and after that, motivate me to maintain it :)

Thanks you guys x
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