Did you feel like....


Enjoying life!
I am asking this question out of curiosity.

When in abstinence, even though you could go on without the need for food and remained totally focused, did you reach a point where you felt like your body had had enough?

How did you experience this?

Kat xx
Yes and no - I got to the stage where I felt I wanted to gain a bit of a "normal" life back again. I think is mainly because when you are in abstinence (for me anyway) you're life revolves around it, in many ways it is quite a selfish diet - not that that is a bad thing.

Then a couple of days before I started RTM when I had a bit of a freak out I felt like I wasn't ready for food and now I feel as if I would be happiest if I could have 4 foodpacks a day during the week and then eat at weekends which sadly I can't!
I can't answer for LL, but when I did CD last year definately! I don't know if in the end it was the foodpacks or just some virus or, probably both + a little lack of willpower.... but at the time I had no energy, kept passing out then got quite ill after passing out in the snow (though luckily was with people!)

Like I said, I don't know what part CD played in it, but imo right then my body needed more than it was getting... and if it gets to that point again i'll go straight to rtm and either take a break or do more conventional methods.

Unless your asking if although you can survive on foodpacks you feel nauseous at the thought of having to actually have another one.... felt that too! x
Fortunately for me abstinence has not had an impact on my social life at all. I still go out as much if not more than before, do lunch, cook for friends, go to restaurants etc.. When I started I refused to allow LL to control that in any way.

What I meant was your body physically not mentally.

I am not sick of abstinence, I enjoy all my packs and I am happy without food. I feel upbeat all the time.

I am just curious if your body starts letting you know that enough is enough at some stage. I know this will be a different experience for everyone so will affect us all differently.

Kat xx
hi kat
i loved being on packs.

the lightheadedness/faint was what swung my decision to start RTM - i think that was my body's way of saying it was time to eat again.
(and also the fact i could see my ribs at the top of my chest.)

apart from that tho my body seemed to like it tho - i had no hairloss, bad breath or other side effects and my skin was great too

daisy x
I had times earlier in the year, around March-April time when I really felt like I was dragging myself along every day. It just felt like I didn't have enough fuel left in me to be alert and mentally astute.

That eased off when I gained a bit of weight back (at the time I had just dipped into the high 15stone range) when I had a few "bad" weeks and got back to around 16.7 I felt physically good again, although I also felt fatter and more unpleasant in my mind (which I hated and still do!).

So swings and roundabouts really, I think it was mostly in my head TBH, I haven't been under 16stone since I was a bout 15 years old (nearly a decade ago now) and that probably threw me somewhat. I am prepared for it this time though, and no matter how awful I feel I'll perservere.

Someone on here once said "nothing tastes as good as being slim feels". It's so so so true.
I really just mostly remmeber mentally being ready to stop the diet, more then physically.

THough as we have said many times here, at the end, close to goal I felt very dizzy quite a few times. But that was after abou 30 weeks of abstinance, so no real surprise.

Otherwise, I felt as great from week2 to week 35, physically. :)
Hi Kat

I didn't have any physical rrasons for needing to stop abstinence.
I loved it. I enjoyed the feeling of not having food in my stomach, no garlic breath or foody body odour, no feeling the digestion working, no farting!
I was lucky. I didn't get dizzy or constipation or any ill effects at all.
All the above took me quite a while adjust to once I did re-introduce food.
I found the first few weeks of RTM the hardest. Mixing some packs and a bit of protein didn't sit easy with me.
Like you I kept pretty much to my social routine and cooking etc.