Marigold Bouillon


Full Member
Hi All!

Some of you may recognise me from the "other" website...

I done really well on LL about 2 years ago and have since lost and put on and lost and put on etc. etc...

Anyway, I am now on CD and 3 weeks in and 18lbs down:D. When I was on LL I use to use Marigold Bouillon all the time as I preferred that to the drinks we bought from LL. I have now been told by my CDC that I cannot use this anymore because it contains salt. I really cannot stomach my soups without it (or salt but use marigold because I put too much salt in). I never had any problems using salt/marigold on LL - does it really effect us that badly? I don't think I could do this diet without the soups and deff can't drink them without it. What to do???

Help much appreciated!

Char xx
Hi Char- you can get low salt marigold- the bigger supermarkets have it it is a purple tub, not green. But marigold should not affect your weight loss whatever kind- the extra salt is not entirely healthy for you, but much less salt than a bag of crisps!