any IBS -bloated belly - feel fat after food etc


Full Member
Well i suffer from IBS - which is bad news and my belly swell like a balloon even if i have not got a IBS
But i have come across these

e'lifexir flat tummy active.

They are for people that have bloated bellys and they worked wonders since i have took them and i have not had any other sytoms for IBS since or a blaoted belly!

what hey have in:
banana,vegetables,garlic,artichoke,arparagus,and cereals,corn and barley

what they do:
these are small food chains that can not be absorbed by the bodies and therefour reach the intestinal bacteria unchanged.
here,they are used solely by the bifidobactria,encouring rapid development and therefour having benefical effect on the intestinal tract.

it says take for 30 days and you will notice the different i felt the differents after one week

it taste of mint - and you have two a day one after a meal -
and you belly will not swell- look bloated or anything

since i have taken these i feel better and they are all good for you anyway! no crap inthem just what i wrote!:D