A little tip - for struggling poo-er's...


Full Member
Working as a care worker, thought I would pass on this snippet of info...

If you are constipated or having difficulty sat there on the toilet...

You need to have one of those toilet steps that children stand on to reach the toilet, (or similar), put it under your feet so that your legs are slightly raised when sat on the loo. This works wonders as the position you will be in ensures less pressure and ease of going (if you know what I mean).

You may find it helps should you have problems there.

Lisa :party0048:
pmsl but yes i've also been told this works. so good luck pooers
Funny and useful - thanks for the tip. Thats why my 2 yr old puts his bum half way down the toilet for a poo then !!! :)
this is why places like china still have so many stand and squat toilets, much better for your digestive tract. shame their plumbing often leaves so much to be desired... :(
Hahahaha! This is so funny Lisa as I just started to do this since Friday! I used the little step up stool! *TMI AHEAD* I have so much trouble, can't get it out and constantly feel weighed down as it's just sitting there! It helped a lot as it wasn't as scary! (Imagine being scared to poo)

You get them for a pound or 2 in Ikea, a godsend.