Feel like giving up!!!


Full Member
Havent lost anyhting for about 3 weeks now!!

But if you can remember from another post ive been really down cus of a relationship breakup, im ok, but not, just cant be bothered to do the simple things like get out of bed, wash my hair, tidy up ect.

So my eating is out the window, im not really eating, well I norm have a low fat ready meal for tea, low cal soup and couple slices bread for dinner, or a ham sarnie, then maybe another slice of bread with low fat cheese spread on.
Just cant be bothered to cook or anything, i only get out of bed if its work or my daughter needs a taxi lol

Cant always remember how many tablets I take, prob 2 some days, 4 the next.

oh sweet heart im so sorry things going bad right now ...and i know exactly how you feel about only doing stuff cuz of the kids ... give yourself today to dwell and from tommorow try to do something you like doing ( even if you dont want to ) break ups are very hard to deal with but time is a massive massive healer and you will feel better soon i promise you

regarding the pills they do work but they need some fat to work with .. have a look on the zenical forum ....

wish you cheer up soon xxxx
When I lost my Gran and my Uncle I felt like this. I only got through the day because of my 2 kids. I ended up feeling like I had no control and put weight back on, started binge eating again. Was not a nice time :(
Its hard, but you have to draw a line under it all somehow. You can't change what's happened in the past, but you can change and shape your future. For me it was realising that real life happens and there is damn all I can do about it, but I can decide how I'm going to deal with it. Be kind to yourself, but make a promise to yourself that Monday is going to be a fresh start for yourself. In time you'll start to feel like your old self again xxxx
Thanks for your kind replys...
I feel bad tho cus you have just got to look at the news and see the army guys getting killed, and watching the widows, awful...
I agree its upto me, ive got to make a choice, its up to me how i deal with it, soooo hard tho.
Like tonight first time in ages my daughter has gone to her dads and and i have no one to go out with, all my friends are in rellies and dont seem to socialise anymore...
But yeah Ali, im gonna start fresh on monday, and i have been binge eating, even stuff i dont like!!
Should have gone to shop and get summit i really like...
just horrid, i moved to this town to be with him, know no one here, and he decides its not for him, hes ok, hes got his mates here, his family, he can just get on with it, my life has stopped, i feel sooo angry.
Anyway im gonna shut up this is a diet forum, not rellie issues
Sorry :eek:(